Kormos Kincsem Parragh Of Mustang - Shiloh Shepherd

Kormos Kincsem is our current Shiloh Shepherd Baby

Kormos Kincsem arrived to us in Februar 2007 at 8 weeks of age.
His name means "My Sooty (Smutty) Treasure" in Hungarian.
He is our third dog and second Shiloh Shepherd.
His breader is Carol Cernak - Mustang Shilohs.
- Continued below the video -

Kormos Album

Kormos Video - Kormos and Bella playing - Click Play - Bottom left corner

Kormos is a lovable, huggable, kissable, adorable puppy.
He was a good watchdog at seven Months of age.
He passed both his father's and mother's size at 8 Month old.
He is a fabulous protector at 2 years old.
He is 30" tall and 149 lb at 3 years old. (Dec 15. 2009) He is still growing!
He learns everything very fast.
He does not questions our authority or reasoning.
He is a great combination of our previous dogs.
He looks like our Shiloh Shepherd and acts like our German Shepherd.
He is a first generation German Shepherd outcross with great qualities.
We hope he will be a good addition to the Shiloh Shepherd breed.
His penhip results are excellent and all other test are very good too.
We posted Kormos Pedigree and will post our growing up notes on him also.
It will be interesting to compare his notes with SirMuki's.
He is registered at TSSR.
He is featured in the Dog USA magazine's Breaders page (Dec 2009)


Kormos Kincsem - 11 weeks old Shiloh Shepherd
Kormos Kincsem 11 weeks old
Kormos Kincsem - 16 weeks old Shiloh Shepherd
Kormos Kincsem 16 weeks old
Kormos Kincsem - 16 weeks old Shiloh Shepherd
Kormos Kincsem 16 weeks old